Tai chi instructor supports rhino conservation

Promotional material credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / Mings Martial Arts Academy' (Wednesday, 28th October 2020)
About Leo Low Ming
Sifu Leo is a dedicated exponent of the martial arts. Since the early age of 6, he was taught taiji and karate by his father and uncle. At 13 he officially joined a dojo and has continued training ever since. He is still passionate after 44 years of martial arts and taiji training. He has enjoyed success as a professional instructor for over 25 years, and he currently teaches children and adults in Johannesburg.
China Plus interview video credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / China Plus News' (Tuesday, 11th December 2018)
His decades of experience in the martial arts and unique methods of teaching attract people from all walks of life from psychologists, graphic artists, investors, lawyers, businessmen to professional athletes. His wisdom has resulted in unexpected exposure to the visual arts, and he has choreographed fight scenes and taiji sequences in movies, soap operas and theatre, while displaying his talent and sense of humour in numerous local television commercials.
Castrol advertisement video credit: Courtesy of 'YouTube / Springbok Fans' (Sunday 3rd May 2015)
Tastic rice advertisement video credit: Courtesy of 'YouTube / Jokatsarsas' (Sunday, 24th May 2009)
Toyota SA advertisement video credit: Courtesy of 'YouTube / Toyota SA' (Friday, 28th September 2018)

Promotional material credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / The Adventures of Supermama' (Thursday, 13th June 2019)
The Adventures of Supermama trailer video credit: Courtesy of 'YouTube / Nu Metro' (Monday, 10th June 2020)
His popularity extends to invitations to conduct seminars at workplaces to encourage clarity of mind and harmony to achieve maximum productivity. Sifu Leo has trained with internationally renowned masters in Japan, Australia, USA, Canada, Greece and the UK to name a few.
About taiji
Taiji is the philosophy of the oneness of the internal energies that give rise to the duality of Yin and Yang. The terms taiji and tai chi are used alternately depending on the Chinese spoken dialect. It translates as the "Supreme Ultimate", or reaching one’s full potential. Taiji is a classical Chinese exercise for health, spiritual growth and stress relief, and is classified as a martial art. It is also an art form that has a calming effect, emphasizing relaxation in precise postures. Visual and mental concentration and rhythm is used with the control of the breath to encourage inner balance, while the circular movements do not place stress on joints.
Inner Coaching interview video credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / Let's Talk Possibility' (Saturday , 26th March 2016)
It has health benefits that include improved circulation, balancing of energy in the organs, thereby accelerating healing of ailments such as insomnia as well as rehabilitation from injuries, scoliosis, and arthritic conditions.
Taiji has significant applications in the business world. Sifu Leo teaches stress management techniques that include clarity of mind for enhanced decision making, self-introspection, increased humility, and the understanding that softness can strengthen leadership qualities. Just twenty minutes a day of this holistic practice can improve workplace productivity significantly.
Practicing taiji develops both physical strength and inner awareness by stimulating the inner energies of the body. Whereas the outer limbs are the focus of most western exercises, in taiji the emphasis is on cultivating the internal energies of qi (pronounced chi).
Book details

Promotional material credits: Courtesy of 'Amazon.com' (Friday, 6th September 2019)
Sifu Leo shares his first book as a comprehensive training guide for all students of taiji who are serious about mastering the art. This practical, user-friendly book features 200 pages of photographs for each movement, accompanied by details for pace of breath. Each of the forty-four postures that make up the complete Yang Style Short Form are detailed to enable the student to focus on the nuances of each movement, and experience the balance and the flow of qi/chi , which is the circulating life force in Chinese philosophy and medicine.
Authors: Leo Ming & Caroline Addenbrooke
Editor: Caroline Addenbrooke
Concept / Design: Renay Kneale
Publisher: Ming’s Martial Arts Academy
Publishing Genre: Health and Fitness (Tai Chi) / Sports and Recreation (Martial Arts) / Philosophy (Taoist)
The book is available to purchase through:
Barnes and Noble; or
Sifu Leo’s website.
Helping nature conservation efforts and promoting sustainability values through his dojo and his new book
The book aims to promote the idea of longevity, sustainability and harmony through the practice of taiji, bringing into our awareness how inextricably we are linked to nature. It is this symbiotic relationship which is responsible for our balance and wellbeing.

Promotional material credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / Mings Martial Arts Academy'
Sifu Leo explains. “If we are able to introspect, we will recognise the discord in our daily lives and be able to resolve this, creating harmony in our minds and bodies; the Yin/Yang within and around us. Sustainability and longevity emerge from taking care of the important things around us – our own bodies; our loved ones; our environment and the natural world. Such attention creates a positive ripple effect on our earth.”
“We need to understand how powerful the collective can become, especially when we immerse ourselves in the practice of taiji, engaging our bodies and minds, right down to a cellular level,” Sifu Leo says. “Through taiji I have been able to heal my own body from injuries sustained during karate competitions. I have seen taiji give clarity of mind to my students, enabling them to tackle challenges and to find solutions and peace in today’s challenging world.”

Promotional material credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / Mings Martial Arts Academy' (Friday, 6th November 2020)
Sifu Leo’s first book, written with Caroline Addenbrooke, is the culmination of Caroline’s years of practice with Sifu Leo. It is a comprehensive and artistic explanation of the Yang Style Short Form, showing step by step images aligned with descriptions that take the learner down to the smallest subtleties within each movement.
Like Caroline’s journey of a thousand words, it is Sifu Leo’s hope that this book will be the start the readers’ journey of a thousand steps. “People who have never practiced taiji will begin to learn and experience how taiji can transform their lives.”
China Plus feature video credit: Courtesy of 'YouTube / Flash Forward Productions SA' (Thursday, 20th August 2020)
Sifu Leo has the honour of representing Rhino Disharmony to promote rhino conservation. Rhino Disharmony raises awareness of the rhino poaching crisis through the medium of art. From Sifu Leo’s passion for nature and the wisdom from his martial arts background, he is assisting them to get a message of conservation out to more people. Sifu Leo holds retreats and workshops at lodges “to give students an immersive experience of taiji in nature.”
“I’m honoured to present this book as a salute to the art of taiji and to celebrate the infinite joy I experience through my work as a taiji instructor. Ming’s Martial Arts Academy only exists because of the continued enthusiasm of my students."

Promotional material credit: Courtesy of 'Facebook / Mings Martial Arts Academy' (Monday, 9th November 2020)
Book launch details
Book launch promotional video credit: Courtesy of 'YouTube / Leo Ming' (Thursday, 5th November 2020)
Date: Saturday 14th November 2020 16h00 to 19h00
Venue: Service Station Café, Bamboo Centre, Corner 9th Street & Rustenburg Road, Melville, Johannesburg
Online broadcast of the event: Saturday 14th November 2020 17h00 to 18h00 via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Watch on Facebook Live here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1366196903580530/
RSVP if you would like to attend the book launch or get the Zoom details by emailing leo@mingsmartialarts.co.za
Contact details
Sifu Leo Ming on 083 378 0468 or leo@mingsmartialarts.co.za or visit https://www.mingsmartialarts.co.za
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