Proudly Chinese SA
Founded in 2017, by South African born Chinese, Taryn Lock​, to:
Celebrate Chinese culture and heritage in South Africa
Promote Chinese doing great things in South Africa
Recognise South African born Chinese doing great things around the world
About Taryn Lock....
I am proudly South African. I am proudly Chinese.
As a third generation South African Chinese living in South Africa, I want to celebrate Chinese culture in South Africa, promote the amazing things that Chinese individuals/groups/businesses are doing in South Africa and recognise those South African Chinese doing great things around the world.
I was deeply saddened by the hate speech against Chinese in 2017. I want to get rid of any negative perceptions of Chinese and promote the good that the Chinese contribute to society.
If you'd to join me on my quest, please email

Proudly Chinese SA logo designed by Lisa Ting Chong.