Meet Keith Tamkei

Keith Tamkei lives in Johannesburg and is the Art Director of the Sunday Times, an illustrator and an occasional writer for lifestyle features.
Read more about why Keith is proud to be Chinese and a South African.
"Aim to be your best. Seek wisdom wherever it may be found, and consider others more than yourself" ~ Keith Tamkei
Name: Keith Tamkei
Occupation: Art director at the Sunday Times newspaper, illustrator and occasional writer for lifestyle features
1. Where were you born?
Nearly on a majong table in Harare (Then Salisbury), Zimbabwe. My mom was an avid player, and she must have been on a winning streak when I decided I wanted out.
2. What school/college/university did you attend?
I was sent to school in SA where I attended the Pretoria Chinese School in Boom Street, and then became one of the very few Chinese scholars at Pretoria Boys High. I later studied design at Pretoria Technikon.
3. What is your fondest childhood memory, growing up as a Chinese child?
Trying to emulate the various kung fu styles of the Chinese action dramas. I could always rely on my hybrid drunk-mantis style to defeat my Pretoria Chinese school mates.
4. What is your favourite Chinese food?
All of it, except for rare buck-jem- kai. I don’t get the appeal of a near raw chicken staring at you from a lazy Susan.
5. Where do you live?
6. What work do you do?
I’m an art director at the Sunday Times newspaper, illustrator and occasional writer for lifestyle features.
7. What do you love about your job?
Working at a newsroom with seasoned news professionals. And the satisfaction that millions of people can appreciate your work.
8. What is your proudest achievement?
Being able to Google fast enough to answer difficult questions my kids throw at me. Makes me look like a genius. But seriously, being a family man ranks high up in the achievement list, it’s not an easy task being a good father and husband.
9. Why are you proud to be South African?
Because being a proud citizen of any country means you will put effort into making it a better place.
10. Why are you proud to be Chinese?
I think we have a good work ethic and aren’t afraid to haggle.
11. Name one Chinese tradition that you’d like future generations to continue with?
Chinese calligraphy. When they get the ink to not smell so bad, it’s going to soar in popularity.
11. What advice would you give to the Chinese youth today in South Africa?
Three tenets: Aim to be your best. Seek wisdom wherever it may be found, and consider others more than yourself.
12. Is there anything else that you’d like to share with the Chinese community?
Enjoy and be proud of you heritage and culture.
Want to contact Keith?
Find Keith on Twitteror any other social media plaform @keithtamkei or visit his website