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Meet Warren Ho

Warren Ho is a business owner of ACT Personal Security, an entrepreneur and a 'Kendo' martial artist from JHB. Read about why Warren is proud to be Chinese and proud to be South African.


Name: Warren Ho

Occupation: Business Owner and Entrepreneur

1. Where were you born?

  • I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.

2. What schools/colleges/universities did you go to?

  • I started school at the Chinese Kou Ting School in Bramley, north of JHB, but later decided to do my high school at Eden College and Damlin College in Braamfontein, JHB. Later, I graduated from WITS University with a Bcom Degree, and from CTI with a Computer Science Diploma.

3. What is your fondest childhood memory, growing up as a Chinese child?

  • The family gatherings every Friday night at my grand-parents’ house in Mayfair, and later, Turfontein! The whole family on my mom’s side (8 siblings and their families) would go to my grans place where she would cool up a feast!It was a very special time for all of us!

4. What is your favourite Chinese food?

  • Dim Sum and dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.

5. Where do you live?

  • Rivonia, Johannesburg

6. What work do you do?

  • I own and run the Johannesburg branch of a company called ACT Personal Safety. We specialise in proactive personal safety against criminal elements such as hijackings, assaults, home invasions, etc. Although I enjoy the proactive component of the job, there is also the practical and physical self-defence training that I enjoy teaching, which includes both armed and unarmed tactics.

  • I’m also an entrepreneur and working on several other projects including developing an Online Personal Development movement based on my martial arts and life-experiences; and starting up a martial arts, fitness and fight chorography company that uses “lightsabers” from the Star Wars universe called “Knight Sabers Academy”.

7. What do you love about your job?

  • Changing the way people think about their personal safety.

  • Working with the high school students, or as I call them, ”The Future Leaders”.

  • Having the freedom to create something that is uniquely me that adds value to people.

8. What is your proudest achievement?

  • There are 2 in particular I’d like to mention:

The first is my sporting achievement. I do a Japanese-based martial art called “Kendo” that utilises full body armour and bamboo swords, and have had the honour of being able to represent South Africa at 6 international events over the years, earning my full National Sporting Colours each time.

The second achievement would be a “joint” effort between my wife, Laura, and I, and that would be the birth of our son, Nathan TengFong Ho. Although the “proud moment” of his birth had come and gone, my whole life has changed and continues to change for the better because of him.Therefore, the “proudest achievement” is still in progress!

9. Why are you proud to be South African?

  • We are a nation of overcomers. While there is still much work to be done, our country is often viewed as a beacon of light and hope to diversity and unity. We have progressive laws that promote fundamental human rights and dignity that many countries wish to emulate.

10. Why are you proud to be Chinese?

  • I am proud of the history that made not only me, but us as South Africans who we are today. That being a nation of people who were horribly subjected to the atrocities of apartheid; to that of a nation of resourcefulness; to that of a democratic and reconciled nation. Our current situation may not be the best and may even seem dire to some, however, I do believe that we are a nation of people that can rise above our shortcomings provided we all play our part.

11. Name one Chinese tradition that you’d like future generations to continue with?

  • Have huge family gatherings (that include friends too) for no reason other than to eat of food, play mah-jang and gossip!

12. What advice would you give to the Chinese youth today in South Africa?

  • As “South African Chinese” be proud of your heritage. Be bold, have an opinion and stand for some something. However, with that said, always exercise good manners and have respect for other people and the environment.

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