Meet Daniel Ting Chong

Daniel Ting Chong is a designer and illustrator from Cape Town whose clients include Nike, Adidas and Puma, to name a few. Daniel is an award-winning graphic designer and was one of the M&G's Top 200 Young South Africans in 2011.
Read about why Daniel is proud to be Chinese and proud to be South African.
Name: Daniel Ting Chong
Occupation: Designer and Illustrator
1. Where were you born?
I was born in Cape Town, South Africa
2. What schools/colleges/universities did you go to?
I attended Rondebosch Boys’ for my Primary and High School education. I then completed my tertiary education at Vega, where I received my BA Degree in Visual Brand Communication.
3. What is your fondest childhood memory, growing up as a Chinese child?
Growing up, I often felt out of place in certain contexts, but becoming a member of the Western Province Chinese Community changed that feeling. I started playing basketball for the Western Province Mini’s division, after which basketball became and still is, to this day, a pivotal part of my life. Participating in the SACSA Easter Tournaments are probably my fondest memories, because it was at these tournaments that I met most of my life long friends, one of whom is now my wife. So Easter Tournaments have definitely sparked life changing moments that form some of my fondest memories. Easter Tournament was the one event where I didn’t feel out of place, and made growing up that much easier.
4. What is your favourite Chinese food?
Chinese food has always been a huge part of my life growing up. I often watched my mom and dad cooking, but never really took notes and in hindsight, I really should have. The first dish that my mom taught me how to make was Chǎo fàn with peas and eggs. The one dish that always stands out in my mind as an all time favourite is my mom’s Hong Kong chicken.
5. Where do you live?
I am still currently based in Cape Town.
6. What work do you do?
I am an independent designer and illustrator, and work from a co-shared studio space in Woodstock. I get to work on various projects, which makes my job interesting while simultaneously challenging. I am fortunate enough to work on a diverse spectrum of projects that range from brand identities for restaurants, tech companies, and food and beverage products, to store design, apparel design, illustration and packaging design.
7. What do you love about your job?
I love solving problems in a creative way, which is often to consolidate and simplify a client’s brief. Sometimes, my work involves creatively solving problems solely through aesthetics by means of colour, typography and suitable production methods.
8. What is your proudest achievement?
My biggest project to date is the design of two sneakers with PUMA, which was released at the end of 2016. The project rollout was extensive as I had to design two different sneaker silhouettes, t-shirt apparel, packaging, pin badges, pencils, socks, tote bags, flyers, and the social media rollout, as well as having to art direct the product shoot.
9. Why are you proud to be South African?
I am proud to be South African because other than being born here and being patriotic to my country, I feel South Africa is truly beautiful and endlessly interesting because it is filled with different cultural facets.
10. Why are you proud to be Chinese?
Chinese culture is incredibly dense with rich history and innovation, which is more than enough of a reason to hold your head up high. Besides being my cultural heritage, family is a big part of my life and I would not be in the fortunate position I am currently in if it weren’t for my families strong cultural principles and upbringing.
11. Name one Chinese tradition that you’d like future generations to continue with?
One tradition that resonated with me growing up was that my parents would always cook mein on birthdays to wish one a long life.
12. What advice would you give to the Chinese youth today in South Africa?
Be proud of your cultural heritage. Celebrate it, and always bring honour to it.
Want to contact Daniel?
View Daniel's work at, or find him on most social media platforms @DanielTingChong.